Tuesday, November 29, 2011

live now!

I bet you hear these sayings a lot
“live the moment”
“feel the moment”
“be with the moment”
“Live now.....live in the present”
What do they really mean? 
Some - including the previous me- may confuse these ideas with trying to be always happy and pleased and not letting anything make you sad since life is short and you have to enjoy every seconds of it. But, I doubt it now. Living the present, to me now, has more acceptance connotation than struggling.
Although, it is simply about being with whatever you are experiencing, it is, of course, more deep and challenging, especially for a person like me whose mind is always spinning constantly about ideas, past, and future. Well, I can talk about it more, but I prefer not to, as people experience living the moment differently. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


To me:

No "right" definition. Stop looking for it.

Just LIVE it, and by truly living it you would feel the definition,

through experience and not only by experience,

meaning: a wise adventurous old man can not give you the right definition of life.

Trust and develop your own intuition,

to perceive a definition,

that is how you can live it.

and it is not a matter of time as often falsely believed

you may get there at the age of 20, or 40 or you can be 70 and not there yet!

Also no "right" rules/steps for how to get there.

The only think I can say is


believe that life is for YOU to LIVE it

the rest will come after


Photo by me, University of Waterloo campus, Oct 25,2011