Friday, December 2, 2011

Stories Birthday candles tell us

So, we blow out birthday candles each year; and from one to the other, from one picture to the other, there...It’s hidden all the memories, achievements, losses, peoples, and basically the story of our life in one year. Do we really feel that! ...One year of “growing”, one year of “living”.

Looking at these pictures, I can see my life flashing before my eyes. And all of it looks really simple to me now, although it felt really challenging at its time. Yeah, it’s true, life may not be easy, but it’s simple. It goes by as simply as blowing out a candle each year. 


  1. exactly, life goes very easily and it's speed is relative and depends on us,but have you ever thought to why we blow the candles in birthday and why we don't turn on the candles?

  2. well,actually, we need to first light them in order to blow ;)...but if you are asking about the reason behind this ritual, apparently it goes back to early Greek. To me,though, you are blowing out the years passed and wish yourself something for the new year :)

  3. and can you believe I haven't been in any of these birthdays:(
    but I think I gave you the gifts for all of them at once:)

  4. yeah, you're right, and I have not been in any of yours in those years! sure you did :D and the following years as well :)

  5. Writing a blog is a fascinating experience. Keep it up !

    About this post: The idea of putting the photos from various years together was very nice. Look at your face; see how your look/smile has changed during these years. It's apparent that you were so sheytoon in the childhood.

    Abbas Mehrabian

  6. Abbas!! tell me one thing, which of these photos you think is from childhood!! ;)

  7. In the one on topright sheytooni az harekaatet peydaast, and in the one on topleft sheytooni dar chehre at nahaan ast. However in the one on topcentre there is no sheytooni but a beautiful calmness.
    This "evolution" is quite interesting!

    Abbas Mehrabian

  8. Well, I still have that sheytooni and calmness altogether. The thing is, I think, the flow of my evolution isn't quite that clear from these photos :)

  9. Thanks. Sure; of course I didn't mean "a lot of things" can be deduced from those photos and I didn't want to do any judgments based on them ;-)

    A M

  10. Like it a lot. Lida you know what?! you haven't changed much in these pictures. It looks like you are not aging at all!!! You seem at most 27! believe me:D
