Friday, January 13, 2012

Seeking "the One" Project - Followed by Application

Looking for your input....feed me with your suggestions
Here is the ingredients needed:
  • Wise with some flavour of craziness 
  • Decent with flavour of naughtiness 
  • Honest, honest and honest with flavour of intelligence 
  • Flexible with definite self-values, not taken from religion,though....cheater! 
  • last but absolutely not least: Responsible and Caring 
I know these items usually do not mix up, but they did in me!
He can have any other "bad" traits as I do have some myself, but, apparently, these ones need to be the same!
Oh, almost forgot!.....needs to have a nice smile and must love life :)
See! OK, now, find me "the one" or do not ask me again.....that stupid question!

P.S. the guy needs to have 5 items out of 6 to be eligible to apply, do not aks for exception please!
and keep the tight deadline also in mind!


  1. I love the flavors and how you have combined them with the main characteristics!!!! man khodam be shakhse erja midam har kasio ke ba in moshakhasat didam:D

  2. @parisa: man "be shoma aashegham" and you know it ;)

  3. Salam! I liked this post :-)

    So, item 4 means that in your opinion someone who's got some of his values from religion, is a "cheater" ?


    1. No, of course he may share self values with different religions since religions are talking about values and morals as well. All I meant was to have values specific to you and believe in them authentically and not because religion says to :)

    2. Well, thanks for the answer; however, still a question remains.

      Say religion tells you that there is a so-called "day of judgment" in which you'll be awarded/punished because of what you did on earth. And this is quite a central theme in e.g. Islam. Whenever the characteristics of "mo'menin" are described in the Quran, it reads "Momenin are those who are this and that and who believe in the day of judgment and meeting their Lord."

      This concept is a quite important one, and since no-one has experienced that day, there are many people who believe this "only because" religion says so (although there are more advanced people like "orafa" who seem to understand this themselves by looking deep enough in the world).

      What is your opinion about this matter?


    3. I prefer to talk about it in person if you like to, since we are going off topic here ;)
